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New Shirt! Falcor!

  • Aaron F.
   This blog has been terribly inactive!  It’s not because I’ve been lazy, in fact its totally opposite, I can barely breathe! Its hard. You get a baby, you spend all of your time making sure that the baby is awesome, the remainder of the time is spent making shirts, its tough to blog!  Tonight a good friend of mine had an extra ticket to Sharknado featuring Riff Tracks (Mystery Science Theatre) which so happens to be my wife’s favorite.  It’s been a while since she’s been able to get out and do something awesome like this, so I insisted she go.  In the mean time, I am outside on our porch during, what the paper referred to, as a polar vortex.  Its like 70 and awesome (although a bit windy).  Before I get into whatever topic I decide to write about, it’s time for shameless promotion for a new shirt.
    Children’s movies are not the same these days.  I am a child of the late 80’s and 90’s.  Our children’s movies were balls out.  The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, and of course Neverending Story.  These days, if there is anything remotely disturbing in a kid’s movie, people go nuts and raise a fuss.  And usually the people who “go nuts” are the people who have the most messed up kids.  I’m not going to get into that.  I give you “The Falcor.”

This is available in our Etsy shop, eBay shop, and our main website.  If you like something you see, our website usually has the better deal because we dont have to fork over final value fees, so go there! Do it!
