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New shirt #2

  • Aaron F.
    This is the second shirt we are releasing this week.  The suggestion came from an email from a customer on Etsy who noticed our “Cobra” onesie and asked us if we had an adult shirt version.  It was something that I had meant to do but had totally forgotten about it.  It is now... Continue Reading →

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Expendables 2: As good as it gets.

  • Aaron F.
    Tuesday night I went to see Expendables 2, and I have to say…the movie was incredible.  If you go to the theater prepared to pick apart the plot, don’t even bother going.  This movie is not about the art of telling a story nor is it filled with much logic.  It’s not supposed to.... Continue Reading →

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2012 Site Design and some random notes…

  • Aaron F.
    I’ve decided to change up the main website over at .  There are no visible changes yet, but soon I will have them published.  Every year I change it up, it’s nothing major, I just need to keep things fresh.  I started redesigning some things today.    Now, for some random ramblings.  We watched... Continue Reading →

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Totally Amazing Fashion for the Holidays

  • Aaron F.
   I know, I know.  Why would I promote other clothing when I have my own shirts to sell?  These things can’t be ignored.  Some of them are simply breathtaking.  I have a respect for clothing design and fashion.  I’m not talking about Marc Jacobs.  I’m talking about something that is truly cutting edge.  I’m... Continue Reading →

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