
New Taxi Driver Tee!
- Aaron Flow
As much as I love the holiday rush, it is such a relief when it's over and I am able to get working on new designs. It's only January and I have built a whole new home for The Super Sweet Shirt Co., put out a new shirt, and two new onesies! For 2 years I've wanted to do a Taxi Driver shirt. There are so many out there, that...
A Gigantic “Thank You”!
- Aaron F.
This has been an awesome year for The Super Sweet Shirt Co. I wanted to thank everyone who supported this little underground t-shirt store this year, especially during the holidays. After I take a little break in January, I will be back with more designs and products to make 2019 even better. Happy Holidays to... Continue Reading →
Bill The Butcher Shirt
- Aaron F.
It has been a long time since I had time to put out a new tee! This week I have added the new Bill “The Butcher” shirt to all 3 shops. This is a shirt I’ve wanted to do for a long time, as this is one of the greatest movie villains of all time.... Continue Reading →
John Kreese T-Shirt
- Aaron F.
The “Fight Legends” line continues with the new John Kreese shirt. This shirt came out awesome after a few tweaks. Originally the shirt was designed to be on a Yellow tee with Black ink. After some experimenting, putting this design on a Black tee with yellow ink was the way to go. This shirt and... Continue Reading →
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- shipping.
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- shirts
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- super sweet shirt co.
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