New Coffee Mugs!
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(716) 242-8551 Mon-Fri 8am-5:30pm
Stay Strong. Treat Yourself. Treat Someone Else, Support Small Business

Stay Strong. Treat Yourself. Treat Someone Else, Support Small Business

  • Aaron Flow

This stay at home thing is really getting old. Every day is the same, the concept of time no longer exists, and we've never watched so much television. One thing is for certain though - every day starts with a hot cup of coffee.

I had a woman contact me last week to make her a men's shirt design on a women's tee. In her conversation to me, she expressed genuine excitement for the shirt, but felt an underlying guilt purchasing an item like this while millions are suffering. I totally understood her and often felt similar while buying "non-essentials."

Being stuck in your house for this long has extreme negative effects, one of them being mental health. People deal with it in different ways depending on severity. The truth is, if you can afford to and you are fortunate enough to be able to, purchasing something for yourself is a good thing. Or you may consider buying for someone else who might be having a tough time, especially if you buy through a small business.

While corporate giants like Amazon have stopped delivering non-essential items quickly, small businesses are eager and motivated to get their products out to you as soon as possible. You are able to help yourself or someone else with a fun, thoughtful gift, while helping struggling small businesses stay alive.

I write this not so that you order from us. We are fortunate enough to be doing OK during this pandemic. I write this so that you order from any small business - both local and online.

