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I’m almost back.. it’s been a horrendous week…

  • Aaron F.

    I have not been posting at all, and I have noticed that my hits have remained constant the entire time so i figured I’d explain.  Over the past week my grandpa passed away.  He was a great man, war veteran, and had a gigantic loving family.  His loss was pretty tough on us all.  Days later, I had to put my cat Lori down.  As ridiculous as this sounds in comparison to the loss of my grandfather, this loss was kind of a knockout blow to me.  I had Lori for 9 years, and truthfully the vet had always said that she would probably not last more than a couple years, and we would joke around and say, “Watch, she will live super long”, and she sort of did.  She was a dwarf, she had feline herpes, which gave her constant respiratory problems along with disgusting boogery sneezing fits.  All of this stuff made for really terrible bathing experiences for her as her white fur was commonly stained with boogers and her ass and tail was knotty and gross.  She had been a barn kitten, and I took her.  She was awesome.  Even though she was gross, she was awesome..and she knew it.  She thought she was gorgeous and walked around like a queen.  Its tough when you lose something that was pretty much by your side during the “growing up” course of your life.  She was there for all if the mistakes, the good times, the good break ups, the bad, and she was there to eventually see me married to my amazing wife Nicole.  I’m just starting to get over losing her and I wanted to chronicle one last goodbye to her on here.  We love you Lori, hope you’re somewhere that they allow you on the furniture.
