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I love watching shows…

  • Aaron F.

    A few weeks back I started watching “Breaking Bad”.  The more I watched it, the more I loved the show and I ended up tearing through 3 seasons.  This is perhaps the best show I have ever watched.  It’s amazing.  I am now waiting for season 4 to show up on Netflix.  In the past, I would normally find “alternative methods” of gaining access of the 4th season, but I will wait.  I want the anticipation to build.

   I now have space for a new show to watch.  I’ve thrown around some options, two of them being “Walking Dead” and “Mad Men” however, tonight I decided that those shows will wait for a while.  I randomly chose to watch “Twin Peaks”.  My parents were heavy into the show when it was on Television, they even got married to the theme song.  I was pretty young at the time and only remember little tidbits of the show.  30 minutes into the first episode, Nicole and I were drawn in.  I think this is the next series we will be watching.
