Ric hates Halloween and horror movies. Ever since he watched “The Ring” he fears VCR tapes. |
Happy Halloween! I’m pretty excited as this is the first Halloween in our new house. We have no idea what to expect for Trick or Treaters in terms of how many we will see. This is a tough Holiday for me because I love candy, and I have been candy-free for over a month now. This year we tried to go the route of picking up candy that I don’t actually like. We picked up “Dots”, “Toostie Pops”, and “Marvel Comic Dips” (basically fun-dip). There will still be and urge for me to eat these things, I’m not going to lie. But I’ll stay strong. Its sort of like the equivalent of a smoker that has run out of cigarettes, and has no money to buy them, so he/she picks through the ash tray for some gross nub to suck out whatever nicotine that remains…but not as gross.
Over the weekend we managed to get our sun room (now declared a reading room) about 90% finished. I totally love the room so far. Its relaxing. Last night I spent the last two hours hanging out in there under a blanket, with a glass of wine, reading. I know that for some reason that description makes me sound like a woman, but try to look at it like I’m a man that enjoys wine, that was reading and was cold. The room is great. We have some things left that we still want to do in there like building a bookshelf, and some decorating tasks, but its pretty close to being finished.
We moved the rug from the guest room into this room. We now need a new rug for the guest room. |
This table needs trinkets. |
We found this 50’s couch a the thrift store for 50 bucks. It was in amazing shape. |
Nicole is going to sand down the wood and re-stain it darker. This couch is awesome. |
Tomorrow I will have a full report on the outcome of the Trick or Treaters!