We have busted our asses since buying the house with a set of goals that we wanted completed by winter. We would like to thank my Mom, my Stepfather Henry, and my Dad Bob for helping us accomplish everything, it would have been a lot harder to do without their help. New kitchen windows, glass block windows in the basement, roof replacement on the room off the kitchen, and redoing the dining room including a complete tear out off the bay window with new drywall. We are exhausted, but one half of the first floor is totally complete. Here are some pictures of the dining room:
Here is a really old picture from when we tore out the kitchen. You can see what the dining room used to look like. |
Here is the finished product. |
Nicole found an old chandelier at the thrift store that she fixed up with some paint and some TLC. |
Now its time to take a break, at least until the new year!