In 2011, Julian Assange sat down with Google’s Eric Schmidt and a few others and debated technology, politics, their impacts on different societies, and the tech solutions endangered by the global network. Each man gave their own drastically different perspectives on issues. “When Google met Wikileaks” isn’t exactly a “book”, but more a well documented transcript of their encounter that Assange wanted the world to read.
The reason this book exists was because of the “betrayal” Assange claims, which had happened after the two sat down. It was the billionaire leader of the world’s largest information mega-tron verses the truth exposing Wikileaks founder. Assange states in the book that Schmidt said to his face that he is “obviously sympathetic” to Assange’s “vision.” Schmidt then when on to write his 2013 book, “The New Digital Age” where he linked Assange into a group of “Terrorist Hackers” and also referred to the success of Wikileaks as “unfortunate.”
These actions by Schmidt are essentially what prompted Julian to release this book where he skilfully discredits the views represented by Schmidt in “The New Digital Age.” The beginning chapters of the book are brilliantly written calling out Schmidt and Google as being appendages of the US Government, successfully supporting each claim with detailed footnote after footnote. The Electronic version of this book is way better as it makes reading this book way easier. The large quantity of footnotes in this book would be difficult to follow in print. The electronic version allows you to soak in everything with a simple click as run into each footnote. Every claim Assange makes is greatly supported with actual facts and documentation readily available for anyone to go read. Some of the details of Google’s relationship with the Government is alarming (especially the close relationship with Hillary Clinton.) This book was a great insight into the intimate relationship between Washington D.C. and Mountain View, California.
This book is a must read for anyone interested in the digital age, politics, and Wikileaks. The transcript of their conversation was compelling and there isn’t a moment in the conversation where Assange loses a step. This was one of the most interesting reads since Julian’s, “Cypherpunks: Freedom and Future of the Internet.”
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