Let’s talk about how awesome this is. Of course my primary reason for blogging is to occasionally mention the awesome products at supersweetshirts.com and also at our etsy store , but occasionally a product comes around that is well deserved of a third party plug. “TapIt Cap” is worthy of this. Its like a mini draft system for your home. I love growlers, but a big reason as to why I don’t get them more often, is because I can’t finish it up fast enough to maintain the freshness. Let me modify that statement, I CAN finish a growler without a problem, but maybe I just want a pint or two? Maybe every time I open a growler, I don’t want to get bombed. This device will keep your growler fresh and let you drink at your own leisure! Genius! The best part? Its not even that expensive retailing at 45.00 at Tapitcap.com . This is a great gift for any beer lover! On a side note, the perfect gift to go along with this would be:
Available in our etsy store!