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Back to Normal! Or Just about…

  • Aaron F.

Thanks to everyone who ordered over the past two weeks, it’s been crazy and I appreciate your patience.  We recently bought a new house which essentially means that the studio of The Super Sweet Shirt Company had to be relocated as well.  To make things even worse, moving day was a mess because the movers cancelled on us with two hours notice…yeah….

Orders only ran a few days late, but we are back to normal and gearing up for the holiday season.  The catalog of shirts has gotten pretty big, so everyday this blog will have a new featured shirt from the collection.  Take note of the ones you like and copy down the coupon code featured with that shirt for when you start doing your holiday shopping.

I should be back at this blog regularly as we get closer and closer to settling into the new house.  Aside from the shirts, I will continue to blog about completely random topics and doing weird tutorials for things I am most likely not good at around the house.  Oh..and shirts!

