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Back To Normal! Also, WTF?

  • Aaron F.
   Finally the Christmas rush has ended.  This year was pretty insane, the business was just awesome, and I love interacting with customers that send me messages about the product.  Its a great way to hear from everyone and get a little feedback.  The winner this year for our most popular design of the year definitely goes to:
The Life Aquatic Shirt

This shirt was a surprise this year and I ended up selling a bunch of these to the point where I had to pull it temporarily while I caught up.  Hope everyone enjoyed their shirts and has a happy holiday!

And now for my first non commercial blog post in a while:  “WTF”

So our baby has finally started to breast feed.  She didn’t take to the fleshy mounds at first and was a royal pain in the ass.  All of a sudden, she loves it.  This is great and all for my wife who no longer needs to pump out ever ounce of milk the baby consumes and makes her life a lot easier.  The baby frequently will just fall asleep while feeding which is an awesome option…..until its time for me to put her to sleep.  I have to do the traditional rocking and singing while she kicks and screams until passing out.  Its wonderful.  Its bonding.

So my wife and I were sitting around after the baby finally went to sleep.  I said to her, “I wish there was like a fake boob that a man could strap on that had some milk in it, and then the baby just nurses like normal.  That way I can just easily put her to sleep.” We then laughed about how retarded of an idea that was, and then out of curiosity, I looked it up…..and sure enough:

This by far is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve seen, and talk about confusing your kid.  I don’t think I’d be able to  use this without feeling bad.  It reminds me of this:
