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(716) 242-8551 Mon-Fri 8am-5:30pm

Back on the Wagon

  • Aaron F.

    I have an addiction that is harder to kick than anything.  I smoked for like 10 years and was able to kick that habit without any issues.  Smoking was easy to quit.  I didn’t need a patch, an electric cigarette, or pictures of gross organs to help me quit.  I just did.  My constant battle has been with this:

     I am a full blown addict to candy.  Its terrible.  I would have some sort of candy every day.  If I went to get gas for my car, I would get candy.  If I went to the post office, I would get candy. This is about to stop. It won’t be easy, but enough is enough.  This is day #2 off candy.  Its going to be a long road ahead.
